

Best practices for Immersive Mixing

Grammy-nominated producer and mixer Nathaniel Reichman delves into the differences between mixing immersive audio sessions on loudspeakers versus headphones.

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Streaming Atmos from Abbey Road Studios to Mexico City

LISTENTO used to stream 7.1.4 ATMOS versions of The Beatles and Alicia Keys tracks in full lossless 16-bit PCM from Abbey Road Studios’ iconic Studio 2 around the world to UMG Mexico.

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NEWS: Binaural Renderer for Apple Music Desktop application available

Binaural Renderer for Apple Music applies Apple Spatial Audio rendering to Dolby Atmos 7.1.4. Binaural Renderer for Apple Music is now available as a standalone application, featuring additional functionality.

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A/B Test Immersive mixes with OMNIBUS

Using OMNIBUS and the Apple Music application, you can quickly and easily reference your immersive mixes to available immersive audio content from Apple Music.

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