LISTENTO Remote Collaboration Templates

This article will guide you through various LISTENTO templates that can help you streamline your remote collaboration workflow.

Download templates here:

Templates for transmitting audio to remote collaborators with LISTENTO

Each transmitter template consists of two LISTENTO instances. One instance is for the click track, and the other is for the audio track you intend to transmit. 

With the two instances of LISTENTO, you can stream both the click track (Track 1) and the audio track (Track 2) simultaneously, enabling the receiver to nudge the recorded audio in time with their session timeline. 

Make sure that both instances have the same session name. This allows the two instances of LISTENTO to connect to the same LISTENTO stream, making it possible for the receiver to access both instances of LISTENTO using a single streaming link.

Transmitting LISTENTO streams in Pro Tools:

Transmitting LISTENTO streams in Logic Pro:

Transmitting LISTENTO streams in Ableton LIVE:

Templates for receiving audio from remote collaborators with LISTENTO

Receiving a stream in Pro Tools:

Please note that the IO settings of the Pro Tools template for receiving may require some changes depending on your setup. 

Track 1: Backing Track (if available)

Track 2: LISTENTO receiver Aux to receive backing track/click track.

Track 3: Click/Backing track audio track for recording.

Track 4: LISTENTO receiver Aux to receive collaborator’s mic/instrument.

Track 5: Remote collaborator mic audio track for recording.

Bus 1: For bridging Click/Backing Track Aux to audio Track.

Bus 2: For bridging Collaborator’s Microphone Aux to audio Track

Receiving LISTENTO streams in Logic Pro:

The Logic Pro Templates can be saved on your Mac by following this path: Users > Music > Audio Music Apps > Project Templates. 

All the receiver needs to do is paste the streaming link into the LISTENTO receiver plugins, assign a channel for each instance of the receiver, and start recording.

Track 1: Backing Track (if available)

Track 2: Click/Backing Track Receiver Aux – for receiving backing track/click track.

Track 3: Click/Backing track audio track – for recording.

Track 4: Remote Collaborator Mic Receiver Aux – for receiving collaborator’s mic/instrument.

Track 5: Remote Collaborator Mic Audio Track – for recording.

Bus 1: For bridging Click/Backing Track Aux to audio Track.

Bus 2: For bridging Collaborator’s Microphone Aux to audio Track.

Receiving a LISTENTO stream in Ableton LIVE:

Track 1: Backing Track (if available)

Track 2: Click/Backing Track Receiver track – LISTENTO receiver inserted to receive backing track/click track (routed to audio input)

Track 3: Click/Backing track audio track – for recording into session timeline

Track 4: Remote Collaborator Mic Receiver track – LISTENTO receiver inserted to receive collaborator’s mic/instrument (routed to audio input)

Track 5: Remote Collaborator Mic Audio track – for recording into session timeline

Ableton Live allows you to route audio from tracks as audio track inputs. This is why there are no bus tracks used for routing between LISTENTO receiver tracks to audio tracks for recording.